1.1 Curricular Planning and Implementation
Metric No. Description Actions
1.1.1 QlM The Institution ensures effective curriculum planning, delivery and evaluation through a well defined process as prescribed by the respective regulatory councils and the affiliating University.
Minutes of the meeting of the college curriculum committee. View
Any other relevant information. View
1.1.2 QnM Percentage of fulltime teachers participating in BoS /Academic Council of Universities during the last five years. (Restrict data to BoS /Academic Council only)
Details of participation of teachers in various bodies View
Scanned copies of the letters supporting the participation of teachers View
Any other relevant information View
1.2 Academic Flexibility
Metric No. Description Actions
1.2.1 QnM Percentage of inter-disciplinary / inter-departmental courses /training across all the Programmes offered by the College during the last five years
List of Interdisciplinary /interdepartmental courses /training across all thethe programmes offered by the University during the last 5 years View
Minutes of relevant Academic Council/BoS meetings View
Institutional data in prescribed format (Data Template) View
Any other relevant information View
1.2.2 QnM Average percentage of students enrolled in subject-related Certificate/ Diploma / Add-on courses as against the total number of students during the last five years
Details of the students enrolled in subject-related Certificate/Diploma/Add-on courses View
Any other relevant information View
1.3 Curriculum Enrichment
Metric No. Description Actions
1.3.1 Q1M The Institution integrates cross-cutting issues relevant to gender, environment and sustainability, human values, health determinants, Right to Health and emerging demographic issues and Professional Ethics into the Curriculum as prescribed by the University / respective regulative councils
List of courses with their descriptions View
Any other relevant information View
1.3.2 QnM Number of value-added courses offered during the last five years that impart transferable and life skills
Brochure or any other document related to value-added course/s View
List of-value added courses (Data Template) View
Any other relevant information View
1.3.3 QnM Average percentage of students enrolled in the value-added courses during the last five years
List of students enrolled in value-added courses (Data Template) View
Any other relevant information View
1.4 Feedback System
Metric No. Description Actions
1.4.1 QnM Mechanism is in place to obtain structured feedback on curricula/syllabi from various stakeholders
Stakeholder feedback reports as stated in the minutes of meetings of the College Council /IQAC/ Curriculum Committee View
URL for feedback report View
Data template View
Any other relevant information View
1.4.2 QnM Feedback on curricula and syllabi obtained from stakeholders is processed in terms
URL for stakeholder feedback report View
Any other relevant information View
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